Artwork by David Breuer-Weil

Website & Newsletter Sponsor

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To sponsor the CSM website and news-sheet for a week, please email Jonathan Lauffer with your date and wording. The cost is £36.00.

About CSM

We are a small welcoming modern orthodox minyan in the heart of Hampstead Garden Suburb. We hold services on Shabbat and Yom Tov.

Although we do not have a permanent rabbi, we are very fortunate to have Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum as our Scholar in Residence. Rabbi Zarum speaks roughly once a month on Shabbat morning, Friday night or between mincha and ma’ariv, and also helps us organise our educational programme.

Find out more about Rabbi Zarum.

We also regularly host visiting rabbis and a wide variety of other speakers. Our morning services start at 10am, end a little before noon and are followed by a convivial kiddush.

This Week at CSM

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